
#3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Q1. Do you procrastinate sometimes? Yes, I think I sometimes procrastinate. Q2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on? I sometimes find myself performing tasks that  I had intended to do days before.  For example, some of the course content need to be sorted out.  Procrastinating for a few days to do it may result in forgetting some notes,  which makes the learning less effective. Q3. What are some reasons for procrastination? Maybe lack of motivation or trouble concentrating. Q4.  What are some strategies you can use to combat your procrastination? Step 1: Recognize that you're procrastinating →  e.g. Wait to be in "right mood" , or wait for the "right time" to tackle a task. Step 2: Work out why you're procrastinating →  Need to understand the reasons why I am procrastinating before begin to tackle it. Step 3: Adopt anti-procrastination strategies →  Commit to the task. Focus on doing, not avoiding.

#2 Body Language Online

Reference: 〈  8 Top Tips For Improving Your Body Language During Virtual Meetings 〉 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancamillercole/2020/09/17/8-top-tips-for-improving-your-body-language-during-virtual-meetings/?sh=2096ce121f2a) Review the episode and the article,  the two most important body language that I want to improve is  '' Smile! '' and '' Facial expressions '' .  I think keeping a smile can make people feel friendly in virtual meetings,  even face to face.  During virtual meetings, should avoid any facial expressions  that  may have an impact on the conversation and the person you are speaking to.